19 April 2023
The possibilities for perfect lighting for every crop are increasing every day, especially with the rise of LED lighting. But these lights are not always easy to control due to a lack of standardization. That is why Ridder is participating in the Hortivation communication protocol for LED lighting. The Horticulture Data Protocol (HDP) presents a free standard to harmonize and improve the control of LED in the horticultural sector.
LED lights are increasingly being used in the horticultural sector. The possibilities with LED are becoming more sophisticated and its use can provide huge savings in electricity consumption. The range of LED suppliers is increasing worldwide, resulting in diversity in standards between suppliers. Further development means that even within the same suppliers, different protocols can now be found in the field. This makes it difficult to enable standard integration for control of the lamps by climate computers, for example.
To provide more certainty for smooth integration and ensure proper cooperation between digital LED control and climate computers, a standard communication protocol has been drawn up by the Hortivation Foundation, in cooperation with the industry. The dimming protocol for LED lights connects to the Common Greenhouse Ontology, a common language to connect data parts about the greenhouse, construction and systems. The protocol is open source.
Ridder, co-initiator of the dimming protocol, emphasizes the benefits and sees many opportunities for better utilization of LEDs as a result. Joost Veenman Strategic Product Manager at Ridder: “When all lamp suppliers use a similar protocol, developments in the field of control can be accelerated and improved. In addition, the coupling costs for the end user will eventually be lower and lamp manufacturers will know in advance what will and will not work. A WIN-WIN-WIN situation thus.”
Veenman looks forward to that the LED industry will implement harmonization for horticultural lighting so that control technology can be better matched to LED lamps. Ridder itself will support the dimming protocol with its climate computer.
For more information about the LED protocol, please visit https://www.hortivation.nl/nl/data/.
About Ridder
Ridder is a global leader in horticulture automation solutions, providing advanced technology and connected smart solutions to growers in over 100 countries. With a portfolio of drive systems, process control, water treatment systems, climate screens, robotics and labor-saving tools, Ridder helps growers optimize production processes, improve crop quality, and increase yield. For more information, visit www.ridder.com.
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