23 October 2018
Yes, smart farming is key for the future of agriculture. And yes, there are a ton of events, trade shows and platforms available to get yourself updated with the latest trends and developments in the field of production and trade of fruit and vegetables. But how often are you presented with the opportunity to discuss the future of your own business with the current industry leaders of the Dutch horticulture sector?
Here are five reasons why you should apply for a spot in the Pro Manager Mastercourse Vegetables.
Do you want to make the difference and are you ready to future proof your business? Mark your calendar and join the Pro Manager Mastercourse Vegetables organized by Jungle Talks from Jan. 27 to Feb. 9, 2019 in the Netherlands. The course is open to professionals with five or more years of experience.
Learn more and find out how to apply at jungletalks.com
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